Men and corporals

Alessandro Leogrande
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The South, and particularly Capitanata, has for several years become a destination for tens of thousands of immigrants who flock there for the tomato harvest season. Harvesting the “red gold” is extremely hard work that breaks backs and arms, but it is paid very little. They are workers framed in even pre-capitalist living and working situations: housed in dilapidated ruins, they are also subjected to the often sadistic harassment of “corporals,” who offer their labor to a corporate world that uses them to squeeze costs. Sometimes, these new “boors,” so different from the “boors” of yesterday, also have a hard time getting paid what little was agreed upon. And protests not infrequently result in death. A barbaric situation that scourges like a social cancer vast areas of Italy, where the rule of law seems to be totally absent, and where the only law of the exercise of brute violence applies. This novel-investigation, a true journey to the underworld, reveals the lives, personal destinies and deeper dynamics of the “blackest” face of our country.