Gianni Solla

Gianni Solla was born in Naples in 1974. He has published short stories in anthologies with Neo Edizioni and Mondadori; some stories appear in Toilet and Canemucco magazines. He collaborated with Il Napoli from 2006 to 2010. The monologue Tooth Dust is performed in the theater and has published the novels Airbag (East of the Equator, 2008), The Shark’s Sniff (Marsilio, 2012) and Mother Storm (Einaudi, 2021). His latest novel is The Notebook Thief, published in 2023 by Einaudi.

The notebook thief

Tora and Piccilli (north of Caserta), September 1942. David spends his days, sometimes even the night, with the pigs he guards: he knows them so well that he calls them by name. He limps from birth, and for this he is mocked by peers and mistreated by his father.

Storm mother

At St. Sophia Institute, Jacopo is the only boy in the class, and at eight years old his relationship with women is already complicated. Beginning with the one with his mother, who makes him memorize verses from Majakovsky, put out cigarette butts in the dishes, and devoured